Debra Marie Mosier
The heart and passion behind Challenged Champions and Heroes™ - Debra Marie Mosier, passed away at age three of Cerebral Palsy. Debra was the older sister of Challenged Champions and Heroes™ Founder and President, Dr. Robin Mosier Lococo. When Dr. Lococo shared her passion behind her initiative - Challenged Champions and Heroes™ she shared her experience with having a sister that, from a very young age, struggled and lost her life in that struggle with her challenges. Her love and passion for those living in and facing up to their challenges on a daily basis, has given her and her team the incentive to bring the Culture of Honor to recognize the extraordinary and precious lives and those courageous souls, and the “Heroes”, that care for these challenged champions.
Challenged Champions believes every life is valuable and created for a purpose and when that life ends or goes unrecognized the whole world suffers because their contribution was missed.
Dr. Lococo recognizes that by having the support of IChange Nations™, her global initiative will be supported around the world. She recognizes that all communities, nations and cultures all face the challenges of these Challenged Champions. Her and her team is enthusiastic about proceeding forward in making this a global movement.