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Picture of CCH Pins, medallions and awards laid out on a table before the event

CHAMPION LEADERSHIP AWARD- This award is given to leaders and organizations that are bringing value to their communities, governments, and nations recognizing that every life is valuable. These individuals (Over 18 years of age) and organizations serve the disenfranchised.

CHALLENGED CHAMPIONS RECOGNITION AWARD- This award is given to the Challenged Champions and the differently-abled people of the world bringing value to their communities, governments, and nations. Recognizing their gifts within and honoring with the “Golden Rule” treat others the way you would like to be treated.

CHALLENGED CHAMPIONS AND HEROES’ HERO AWARD- This award is given to the “Caregivers” of the differently-abled people of the world. Those that give countless hours of their time caring for others.

CHALLENGED CHAMPIONS AND HEROES’ YOUTH AWARD- This award is given to the youth (under 18 years of age) of the world, abled and disabled, who are giving back to their communities, governments, and nations. Recognizing that every life is valuable and by their actions are giving back to others.

Special Awards are listed below with the approval of the CCH Board Only

*CCH PERSON OF THE YEAR AWARD- Reserved 1 person per country yearly.

* CHAMPION DIPLOMACY AWARD- Reserved for Presidential Status

*DR. ROBIN A. LOCOCO SELFLESS SERVICE AWARD- This award is given to individuals and organizations that are bringing value to their communities, governments, and nations through their selfless service to others, recognizing that every life is valuable. These individuals and organizations (Over 18 years of age) have dedicated their lives to serving humanity and especially the special needs communities throughout their entire lives. Lifetime Achievement.

DEBRA MARIE MOSIER AWARD- This award is given posthumously to those who have lost a family member too soon due to a disability.

CCH Special Olympics Award- This award is given to those who have participated in any Special Olympic Games Worldwide.

CCH Special Needs Award Leo Leadership- This Award is given to the Lion’s Club Global Leo Leadership

Veteran Champion Award- This award is given to those who have acquired disabilities due to their service in the military.


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